800 |
- |
Number of Group 1 entries |
Number of Group 1 entries |
801 |
801 |
Error information |
Error information |
802 |
- |
- |
Warning information |
803 |
- |
- |
Warning function |
804 |
804 |
Output |
Output |
805 |
805 |
Current value (Flow) |
Current value (Flow) |
806 |
- |
- |
Current value (Pressure) |
807 |
- |
- |
Current value (Seating) |
808 |
808 |
Current value (Accumulated) |
Current value (Accumulated) |
809 |
809 |
Peak-hold value (Flow) |
Peak-hold value (Flow) |
810 |
810 |
Bottom-hold value (Flow) |
Bottom-hold value (Flow) |
811 |
- |
- |
Peak-hold value (Pressure) |
812 |
- |
- |
Bottom-hold value (Pressure) |
815 |
815 |
Slide switch status |
Slide switch status |
816 |
- |
- |
Application current value 1 |
817 |
- |
- |
Application current value 2 |
818 |
- |
- |
Application current value 3 |
819 |
819 |
Diagnostic info |
Diagnostic info |
824 |
824 |
Init settings finished |
Init settings finished |
825 |
825 |
Initialization status |
Initialization status |
826 |
826 |
Flow origin adjustment status |
Flow origin adjustment status |
827 |
- |
- |
Application learning status |
832 |
- |
Number of Group 2 entries |
Number of Group 2 entries |
833 |
833 |
OUT1 Set/Lower limit val. |
OUT1 Set/Lower limit val. |
834 |
834 |
OUT2 Set/Lower limit val. |
OUT2 Set/Lower limit val. |
836 |
836 |
OUT1 Upper limit val. |
OUT1 Upper limit val. |
837 |
837 |
OUT2 Upper limit val. |
OUT2 Upper limit val. |
838 |
838 |
OUT1 Set/Lower limit val.(Flow) |
OUT1 Set/Lower limit val.(Flow) |
839 |
839 |
OUT2 Set/Lower limit val.(Flow) |
OUT2 Set/Lower limit val.(Flow) |
840 |
840 |
OUT1 Upper limit val. (Flow) |
OUT1 Upper limit val. (Flow) |
841 |
841 |
OUT2 Upper limit val. (Flow) |
OUT2 Upper limit val. (Flow) |
842 |
- |
- |
OUT1 Set/Lower limit val.(Prs.) |
843 |
- |
- |
OUT2 Set/Lower limit val.(Prs.) |
844 |
- |
- |
OUT1 Upper limit val. (Prs.) |
845 |
- |
- |
OUT2 Upper limit val. (Prs.) |
846 |
846 |
OUT1 Lower val. (Accumulated) |
OUT1 Lower val. (Accumulated) |
847 |
847 |
OUT1 Upper val. (Accumulated) |
OUT1 Upper val. (Accumulated) |
848 |
848 |
OUT2 Lower val. (Accumulated) |
OUT2 Lower val. (Accumulated) |
849 |
849 |
OUT2 Upper val. (Accumulated) |
OUT2 Upper val. (Accumulated) |
864 |
- |
Number of Group 3 entries |
Number of Group 3 entries |
865 |
865 |
Key Lock Status |
Key Lock Status |
866 |
866 |
Key Lock PIN code |
Key Lock PIN code |
868 |
868 |
Output logic |
Output logic |
869 |
869 |
Key Lock Method |
Key Lock Method |
871 |
871 |
Response time (Flow) |
Response time (Flow) |
872 |
- |
- |
Response time (Pressure) |
873 |
873 |
Flow unit |
Flow unit |
874 |
- |
- |
Pressure unit |
875 |
875 |
Tube material |
- |
876 |
876 |
Select Tube I.D. Setting |
- |
877 |
877 |
Tube inner diameter |
- |
878 |
878 |
Flow direction |
Flow direction |
879 |
879 |
Flow rate span adjustment |
Flow rate span adjustment |
896 |
- |
Number of Group 4 entries |
Number of Group 4 entries |
897 |
897 |
OUT1 function |
OUT1 function |
898 |
898 |
OUT2 function |
OUT2 function |
900 |
900 |
OUT1 detection mode |
OUT1 detection mode |
901 |
901 |
OUT2 detection mode |
OUT2 detection mode |
903 |
903 |
IN1 function |
IN1 function |
904 |
- |
- |
IN2 function |
905 |
905 |
Pulse weight (Accumulated) |
Pulse weight (Accumulated) |
906 |
906 |
Accumulated flow reset method |
Accumulated flow reset method |
907 |
907 |
Auto hold time |
Auto hold time |
908 |
908 |
Zero cut flow rate |
Zero cut flow rate |
909 |
909 |
Gas type selection |
Gas type selection |
910 |
910 |
Specific heat ratio |
Specific heat ratio |
911 |
911 |
Average molecular weight |
Average molecular weight |
928 |
- |
Number of Group 5 entries |
Number of Group 5 entries |
929 |
- |
- |
OUT1 Set/Lower limit val.(Seat.) |
930 |
- |
- |
OUT1 Upper limit val. (Seating) |
931 |
- |
- |
Seating pressure lower limit |
932 |
- |
- |
Seating pressure upper limit |
933 |
- |
- |
Span adjustment value (seating
935 |
935 |
OUT 1 hysteresis(Flow) |
OUT 1 hysteresis(Flow) |
936 |
936 |
OUT 2 hysteresis(Flow) |
OUT 2 hysteresis(Flow) |
937 |
- |
- |
OUT1 hysteresis (Pressure) |
938 |
- |
- |
OUT2 hysteresis (Pressure) |
939 |
- |
- |
OUT1 hysteresis (Seating) |
943 |
- |
- |
Averaging count |
944 |
944 |
Simulation mode |
Simulation mode |
945 |
945 |
Simulation value (Flow) |
Simulation value (Flow) |
946 |
- |
- |
Simulation value (Pressure) |
947 |
947 |
Blink head LED |
Blink head LED |
948 |
948 |
Zero flow input |
Zero flow input |
949 |
- |
- |
Application selection |
950 |
- |
- |
Application set value 1 |
951 |
- |
- |
Application set value 2 |
952 |
- |
- |
Application set value 3 |
953 |
- |
- |
Application operate setting |
955 |
- |
- |
Operate threshold (Flow) |
956 |
- |
- |
Operate threshold (Pressure) |
957 |
- |
- |
Operate sensitivity |
960 |
- |
Number of Group 6 entries |
Number of Group 6 entries |
961 |
961 |
Flip display |
Flip display |
962 |
962 |
Hold screen display selection |
Hold screen display selection |
963 |
963 |
Indicator mode |
Indicator mode |
965 |
965 |
Display averaging |
Display averaging |
966 |
966 |
Current Display |
Current Display |
968 |
968 |
Display Brightness |
Display Brightness |
969 |
969 |
Display resolution (Flow) |
Display resolution (Flow) |
970 |
970 |
Display resolution
Display resolution
971 |
- |
- |
Display resolution (Pressure) |
975 |
975 |
Language |
Language |
992 |
- |
Number of Group 7 entries |
Number of Group 7 entries |
994 |
994 |
Tag String |
Tag String |
1003 |
1003 |
Flow conversion |
Flow conversion |
1004 |
1004 |
Reference temperature |
Reference temperature |
1005 |
1005 |
Pressure to use |
- |
1007 |
1007 |
Tuning target |
Tuning target |