- I need to detect the welding point on a large metal pipe, so I'm thinking of putting a marker on it to locate it. A color differentiating sensor would then be used to detect this mark.
- 對于大型金屬管焊接位置的檢測,我考慮在焊接位置上涂標記。然后用顏色識別傳感器來檢測這個標記。
- I see, but it seems that the marked position would be difficult to detect because of the influence of the uneven colors around the welded part, right?
- 那樣的話,焊接時在周圍產(chǎn)生的顏色不均會造成影響,沒法順利地檢測到吧?
- Yes, you're right. Do you have a better way of doing this?
- 是啊。有什么好辦法嗎?
- How about using laser displacement sensors on the inside and outside of the pipe and detecting any change in thickness to locate the welding point?
- 在管道內(nèi)側(cè)和外側(cè)安裝激光位移計,用來測量焊接部的厚度變化怎么樣?